
Showing posts from January, 2023

How did Holden start hating society?

Sorry, your brother just died. You can't come to the funeral though, because your hands are all injured. In a few years, you'll be sent to one of the most expensive boarding schools in the country. Make sure you study hard so you can get into Yale and make good friends there. Good luck! This is probably what happened to Holden after Allie's death. He was prevented from attending his beloved brother's funeral, and with no support system to help him cope with his grief, he was thrown into a competitive environment of boys who were snobby, stole his things, manipulated him (cough cough Stradlater), and never really cared about how he felt (Ackley...). From this perspective, we can better understand how Holden came to form his complaints about society, which I broke down into three main categories:  Social standard of success   Contempt for other people's misbehavior/stupidity  Loss of genuineness in life and personal connections  Social standards of success  Holden